Year 4 2024 - 2025

Miss Doyle



Welcome to Year 4

Autumn Term 2



Year 4 team: Miss Doyle, Mrs Jones, Mrs Betts


Welcome to our Year 4 class page! We hope you are ready for a new exciting term!

This term we will have lots of fun and we will grow together as a team! 


Our Curriculum:






This half term we will be developing our reading and writing skills through texts with a focus on fantasy and magic. In English, we will be starting our new picture book which will be revealed in the first week back! It may be related to the item in the picture above, what's your prediction?

  In Guided Reading we will be predicting, infering and developing our comprehension skills using our new text "The Train to Impossible Places" by PG Bell.



In Maths, we will be finishing adding & subtracting and solving word problems. We will then move onto multiplication and division.

You can practise your times tables at home on Timetables Rockstar, this is really important!

Here is links to some games to practise your times tables:




In the Wider curriculum, our History topic is about The Mayan from Central America. In Science, we will be learning all about Human Nutrition, including our digestive system and our teeth.

On Wednesday and Friday afternoons we will have PE.


  We will continue to add to our class toolbox with strategies to help us when looking at the Zones of Regulation.



We will continue with our Meet Your Brain My Happy Mind sessions, which helps children understand how their brain works and how to look after it when they are feeling sad, scared or worried. We will then move on to Celebrate which helps children to understand their Character Strengths and why they deserve to be celebrated.



PE is every Wednesday and Friday. The children will need to come in their PE kits these days.



Homework tasks will be linked to our learning in school. It should take your child about 20 minutes and it should be able to be completed independently or with some adult support. 

Homework will be set on a Friday and is due the following Wednesday.



We love reading in Year 4. Children become better readers by practising reading as much as possible. We would encourage children to read with an adult or to be read to at home every day for 10 minutes. Children will bring home a levelled reading book that they can read with you. The children can also take a library book of their choice to read at home or in school. This is to encourage reading for pleasure and to help the children explore their reading!


Times Tables:

Being able to recall times tables quickly and accurately helps children to succeed in all of our Maths lessons. Please help your child at home to practise times tables as much as they can. Questions, chanting and Times Tables Rockstars are all good ways to learn. 


If you need to contact me about anything, please feel free to email me at the address below.


Monday - Friday








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