Year 1 2023 - 2024

Mrs Marshall

Mrs Bailey

Welcome to the Year 1 Homepage!

The Year 1 team are Mrs Marshall, Mrs Bailey, Mrs Davies and Mrs Woodington.

Miss Cartwright, Miss Powis and Miss Hodgson will also be continuing to work with us in the Year 1 team for the summer term.


Here you will find out everything you need to know about what Year 1 are getting up to in school.


Summer Term 

10 Popular Spring Flowers | Petal Talk



Year 1 have Forest Schools this Friday 7th June. Children should wear appropriate clothing including long sleeved tops and trousers, have their hair tied back, bring a spare pair of shoes as children need a separate pair of shoes for outdoors and for indoors.

A reminder with further details will be sent through School Spider.




Please send your children into school in PE kit on Wednesdays and Fridays. It is important that earrings are taken out prior to children coming to school unless they have been recently pierced in which case they should be covered with tape before they come to school. This is for everyone's safety.

Thank you.

The term 

This term our Year 1 team will be Mrs Marshall, Mrs Bailey, Mrs A Davies and Mrs Woodington. Miss Cartwright and Miss Hodgson will also be working with us.

In English our new book will be take the children on a magical journey which highlights the importance of friendship. During this half term, the children will be continuing to work on joining words to make simple sentences using capital letters and a full stop at the end of each question. They will also continue to use the conjuction 'and' to join words and clauses. During this unit they will also explore sentences and exclamation phrases. As always, there will be a real focus on applying their phonic knowledge to their spellings and working on the Year 1 tricky words. 

In Maths, children will look at 2D and 3D shape, measuring height and length and then moving on to numbers up to 40. The children will continue to take part in Mastery Maths for 15 minutes, 4 days a week to help build their maths fluency.

Our History topic this term is castles which Miss Cartwright will be teaching.

In Science we will be learning about different types of animals, identifying and naming a variety of common animals including fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds and mammals. We will discovering which ones are carnivores, herbivores and omnivores.

We are also learning to identify and name common types of materials including wood, metal, plastic, rubber, fur, towelling, wool, sponge, cotton wool, paper, card, brick, ceramics and rock. We will be exploring why some materials are particularly suitable and some are unsuitable for some objects.

In RE will will be learning about the religion of Islam with a particular focus on how Muslims express new beginnings.

We will be starting our final module in our myHappymind lessons which is called Engage. This module brings together all our learning from the year and creates opportunities for self reflection.

We are developing a class emotional toolkit linked to different Zones of Regulation (Red Zone, Blue Zone, Green Zone and Yellow Zone), increasing our self awareness of emotions and our understanding of how to express these, developing our own individual toolkits to support our wellbeing. Each week we choose a different strategy to practice and decide which Zone we would use this strategy in. Some of our favourites so far have been wall pushes, desk rest, stand up tall,find a quiet space and do stillness (sit with hands on knees or on the table, and count to 10 as you breathe in for 3 seconds and out for 5 seconds). 

Our No Outsiders programme supports this work and also focuses on respect for ourselves, others and the world around us. 

Our PE days will be Wednesdays (House of Dance) and Fridays (Mrs Bailey) so please send children into school in PE kits on these days. 

For safety reasons please can children with long hair have their hair tied back on PE days and children with earrings take their earrings out at home before they come to school. Anyone with newly pierced ears should come to school with tape over their ear rings.

School uniform - please remember to clearly label clothing (including PE kit, hats, coats etc) so items can easily be returned to the children if they go missing. Please send your child into school every day this half term with a suitable coat for the time of year. We go outside for breaks when it is raining so the coat will need to be waterproof.

Although the children won't be bringing home spellings, they will continue to develop their spelling knowledge in school. 

We would encourage you to read daily with and to your children and to notice rhyme, pattern and spelling whilst you are reading.



Please use the tabs above to find out more about what your child is learning about in English and in Maths and for some educational games. Also, using the links above you will also be able to access key information linked with how to contact us and a reminder of what your child needs to bring in each day. 





Numbots is an online game, and APP, which improves recall and understanding of number facts and addition and subtraction facts.




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Year 1: Blog items

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Year 1: Gallery items

Y1 Forest Schools, by Mrs Bailey

My Happy Mind in Y1, by Mrs Bailey

History in Year 1, by Mrs Bailey

Year 1: Events items

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