School Admissions

Admissions involve children starting school in Reception class of September and also in year admissions. The booklet at the foot of this page is published by Cheshire West and Chester to support parents in making preferences and applying for places for Reception. Please contact the school office on 01244 292426 for any admission questions in queries.

We will arrange dates to view the school in November.

Cheshire West and Chester have produced a School Readiness Booklet as a guide for parents. This document is attached at the bottom of the page.

Applications for places in any year group other than at normal admission times must be made directly to the school and not to your home local authority. Waiting lists for in year admissions will be held by the school in criteria order and not on a first come first served basis. 

Full details of this process is available on the website at or by contacting the authority on 0300 123 7039

Oldfield Primary School follow the admission arrangements of Cheshire West and Chester. In the arrangements, the rank of criteria is;

A ‘Looked After Child’ or a child who was previously looked after but ceased to be so because they were adopted (or became subject to a child arrangements order, or special guardianship order).

Children for whom there are particular medical or social reasons which, in the Council’s view, justifies admission to a particular school

Siblings – pupils with elder brothers or sisters, step-brothers or step-sisters, half-brothers or half-sisters, adopted brothers or adopted sisters living together as part of one household, already attending the preferred school (in years Reception through to Year 5).

Children resident within the designated catchment zone of the school (b).

Children not resident within a school’s local catchment zone but attending a school designated as a partner school for admissions purposes, as out-of-zone pupils (not applicable for Reception applications).

Pupils living nearest to the school.

We also admit children in year to Oldfield. Contact Mrs McComb in the office to discuss whether we have spaces available in our classes.

A school 'Open Morning' will be organised in October/November for parents to view the school. Mr Brown (Headteacher) is available to meet parents throughout the school year, please contact the schol office to make an appointment to view the school.

School Admissions

Cheshire West and Chester Admissions information for starting Oldfield Primary School can be accessed by clicking here.



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