



Please see below the websites to find out what we will be learning in our English lessons.

Top Marks and ICT games both offer a wide range of fun and interactive reading, writing and speaking and listening games that can be played at home.

KS1 English Collection - BBC Teach

Free eBook library | Oxford Owl from Oxford University Press


Bookfinder: find children's books for every age | BookTrust

Letters and Sounds, English Games for 5-7 Years - Topmarks

Punctuation, English Games for 5-7 Years - Topmarks

Words and Spelling, English Games for 5-7 Years - Topmarks

Learning to Read, English Games for 5-7 Years - Topmarks

Stories, English Games for 5-7 Years - Topmarks

ictgames || html5 English Games Page

Autumn Term 2

Writing -  Nibbles.jpg

We will be using the text to develop our ability to:

• Join words using and
• Sequence sentences to form short narratives
• Punctuate sentences using capital letters and full stops
• Use capital letters for names of people

Autumn Term 1

Writing -  lost and found.jpg

We will be using the text to develop our ability to:

• Combine words to make sentences
• Leave spaces between words
• Begin to use capital letters and full stops
• Use capital letters for names of people and the personal pronoun ‘I’

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