Learning in Year 1

Class: Year 1 Year: 2023 - 2024

Year 1 we have been identifying toys which are old and toys which are new. We have enjoyed looking at games that we play today and comparing them to games which were played around 50 years ago and across recent decades. Thank you to our King's students who supported us when we played the games. Children played a range of games including Operation, Kerolunk, One Pop, Guess Who, Jacks, a jigsaw, Snakes and Ladders, Game of Life. We learnt how to set up the games, learn the rules, keep to the rules. We practised taking turns.

In phonics we practised our writing, using our phonic knowledge to write new words.

In maths, we looked at odd and even numbers, noticing that even numbers are made up of 2s and odd numbers have an odd 1.

In Zones of Regulation we chose a new tool to try this week. We are going to be doing pushes against the wall, floor, table or on ourselves to support our regulation.

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