Year 2: Gallery

Y2 Animal Masks, by Mrs Harrison

Date: 11th Jul 2024 @ 6:31pm

Y2 Trip to Pizza Express and Cinema, by Mrs Harrison

Date: 10th Jul 2024 @ 4:29pm

Year 2 Bee Bots, by Mrs Harrison

Date: 18th Jun 2024 @ 2:58pm

This week we have been learning all about algorithms and why the order of our instructions is so important. Here we are making predictions about where our Bee Bots would move to and trying out the same commands but in different orders. 

Y2 Summer Term 1, by Mrs Harrison

Date: 24th May 2024 @ 6:24pm

A bit of mapping work in Geography, Sunflower planting in English, model making in Science and finished off with a pebble jar treat games afternoon for all of your hard work.

What a fantastic half term of learning Year 2! 

Year 2 2D Shape, by Mrs Harrison

Date: 24th May 2024 @ 6:18pm

This half term we have been exploring 2D shapes through lots of practical work.We have been looking at the properties of shapes including their vertices and their lines of symmetry. 

Year 2 Vehicles, by Mrs Harrison

Date: 24th May 2024 @ 6:08pm

So much effort has gone into our Design Technology project this half term. We learnt how to make an axle and a chassis and then designed and made our own vehicles. We think you will agree that they look amazing! Very proud of you all Year 2 :)


Year 2 Shoebox Habitats, by Mrs Harrison

Date: 16th Apr 2024 @ 2:46pm

We have been absolutely blown away by the amazing shoebox habitats completed over the Easter break! Thank you for all of your hard work and effort that has gone into making them. We have enjoyed time this week exploring each others habitat and loved seeing each others different ideas.

Y2 Maths Learning, by Mrs Harrison

Date: 10th Apr 2024 @ 3:42pm

Lots of practical learning in our Maths during Spring Term when looking at measures. Here we are making our own weights out of Playdough.

Y2 Science- Keeping Healthy, by Mrs Harrison

Date: 10th Apr 2024 @ 3:41pm

During the Spring Term, we learnt all about keeping ourselves healthy. To learn about the importance of hygeine, we used glitter to demonstrate how germs can spread quickly through touch. We then tried to remove the 'germs' (glitter) with a paper towel, some water and finally the soapy water. Lots of messy fun!

Year 2 Forest School, by Miss Jones

Date: 15th Mar 2024 @ 4:03pm

The children have had a busy day in forest school today and it has been amazing to see them working as a team and following the safety rules.

They have been learning all about micro habitats, how to identify a number of plants and trees and create an ideal habitat for a hedgehog 🦔. 

They learnt how to light a fire to toast their marshmallows and were all very sensible in keeping each other safe. 

Well done year 2, you've been brilliant!

Y2 World Book Day, by Miss Jones

Date: 8th Mar 2024 @ 2:41pm

Thank you for all of your efforts yesterday! The children looked fabulous and had a great day! They enjoyed their quiz and earned lots of pebbles : ) 

Year 2 Earth Art, by Mrs Harrison

Date: 31st Jan 2024 @ 2:39pm

Year 2 Feathery Folk Visit, by Mrs Harrison

Date: 31st Jan 2024 @ 2:34pm

The wonderful Libby from The Feathery Folk visited this week with some of her feathery friends. We learnt so much about owls which will really help us with our information writing. Libby commented on how fantastic the children were and was so impressed with the questions they had for her :)

Year 2 Fun in the Snow ⛄️, by Mrs Harrison

Date: 17th Jan 2024 @ 3:43pm

Busy, busy!, by Miss Jones

Date: 12th Jan 2024 @ 2:29pm

Wow... Year 2 have had a busy few days and it's been lots of fun!

We have been working hard to secure our knowledge of division (we are very impressed with them).  We began our new Geography topic  'Let's go to the Arctic' where the children loved getting wrapped up and going on an arctic explore.

We have finished the week with art, exploring ways of rock painting. The children enjoyed learning all about how native Americans and Aborigines use to make their paint! 

Well done Year 2....we are off to a great start this term! 

Miss Jones 

Year 2 Christmas Lunch, by Mrs Harrison

Date: 13th Dec 2023 @ 12:55pm

Year 2 Twinkly Nativity, by Mrs Harrison

Date: 7th Dec 2023 @ 8:05pm

We are very proud of our Year 2 Superstars in their Nativity play. They worked so hard to learn their lines and we all had great fun singing and performning together. 

Year 2 Christmas Puppets, by Mrs Harrison

Date: 29th Nov 2023 @ 8:07pm

In Design Technology we have been designing and making Christmas puppets. Here are some of our finished designs- I'm sure you will agree they are fabulous. Year 2 have learnt how to do a running stitch and an over stitch and chose their favourite to join their fabric together. Well done Year 2!

Y2 Multiskills, by Mrs Harrison

Date: 7th Nov 2023 @ 3:17pm

Y2 Yayoi Kusama inspired Art, by Mrs Harrison

Date: 17th Oct 2023 @ 10:13pm

We have been exploring the artwork of Yayoi Kusama- particularly her pumpkins!
We had a go at drawing our own pumpkins and decorating them in the style of Kusama. Lots of polka dots exploring how to use paint to create effects such as stroking, dapping and twisting. So far they look great! 

Y2 Science, by Mrs Harrison

Date: 17th Oct 2023 @ 10:04pm

A very practical end to our Materials topic today! We investigated an unusual material - magic snow! It demonstrated absorbency in action. We then investigated which other materials are absorbent. 
Our challenge today was to design and make a new nappy. We took apart a nappy to see what was involved before designing our own using materials tested in previous lessons. Great learning on absorbency, waterproofing and strength! Wonderful cooperation in Year 2.

Forest School, by Miss Jones

Date: 6th Oct 2023 @ 4:01pm

What a fabulous day at Forest school. We built troll houses in our troll families for Timothy Limpet and Tabitha Lumpet. We then made our own trolls out of clay. The children worked incredibly in their teams and were so proud of what they achieved… so were we! This afternoon we went on a mini beast hunt and collected them for our micro habitat. Everyone enjoyed toasting marshmallows after some dragon sneeze practice! Well done Year 2… it has been a pleasure to watch your enthusiasm and creativity today, you’ve made me feel very proud!

Miss Jones

Year 2, by Miss Jones

Date: 29th Sep 2023 @ 3:40pm

What a brilliant first few weeks the children have had in Year 2.

They're settling into the new routines well and have already wowed us with their many skills and wonderfulness. Show and Tell becoming one of our favourite parts of the week : ) 

Miss Jones and Mrs Harrison

Garage Band after school club, by Mrs Bailey

Date: 21st Sep 2023 @ 4:08pm

Thank you to Mrs Scrowther from Edsential for delivering our second week of Garage Band as an after school club. The children enjoyed developing their own chorus for the song that they will produce at the end of this half term.

Welcome to our new staff, by Mrs Bailey

Date: 5th Sep 2023 @ 7:59am

A warm welcome to new staff joining us in September. From left to right:

Jules Franklin who will be supporting in our Reception class, Rebecca Wong who will be teaching in Year 5, Ciara Doyle who will be teaching in Year 4 and Brad Ferguson who will be supporting classes throughout school.

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