Our Gallery

Never smile at a crocodile..., by Mrs Harrison

Date: 23rd Sep 2016 @ 3:47pm

This week, Year 1 have had a cheeky visitor who clearly liked to eat the most objects or the bigger number. He was a very greedy Mr Croc!

During our art and computing lesson, Year 1 drew portraits of themselves with the biggest smiles they could show.


Year 3 Yoga, by Miss Jones

Date: 22nd Sep 2016 @ 4:24pm

Thank you to Becky for coming in and delivering a yoga taster session on Tuesday. The children loved learning some of the key moves in yoga, including the tree pose and good sitting. The children really enjoyed playing sneaky trees and ladybird relaxation. Miss Jones also learnt some great new games to try out in PE lessons!

Gardening in the Courtyard, by Mrs Bailey

Date: 21st Sep 2016 @ 3:44pm

Thank you to children in Year 1 for helping to plant some daffodil bulbs in the Courtyard this afternoon. We can't wait to see them in the spring.

Year 1 on an Autumn Walk, by Mrs Harrison

Date: 16th Sep 2016 @ 9:26pm

Year 1 have begun learning about the weather changes and signs of Autumn. We went on an Autumn walk to find out how many of these signs could be found in our school woods. The explorers managed to find most of the Autumn signs although they did notice that there were not many piles of leaves yet!

The class also enjoyed developing their ability to read numbers up to 100 whilst developing their turn taking and gamesmanship skills playing snakes and ladders. I wonder how many numbers they can read on signs, packaging and at home over the weekend?

First Week in Year 1, by Mrs Harrison

Date: 16th Sep 2016 @ 8:28pm

Year 2 Making Worry Dolls, by Mrs Harrison

Date: 16th Sep 2016 @ 2:08pm

This week we read the story Silly Billy by our 'Author of the Month' Anthony Brown. 

Pin the story Billy's Grandma gives him some worry dolls from Guatemala to tell his worries to. We decided we could do with some worry dolls too, just in case we are ever worried :) 

Circus pictures - Leon and the Place Between, by Mrs Hover

Date: 15th Sep 2016 @ 8:43pm

Our classroom was transformed into a circus! There was music, incense, fairy lights, popcorn, candyfloss, images of the ‘Big Top’, acrobats, clowns, a white rabbit coming out of a top hat, a ringmaster, clowns on stilts and a lot more! In groups we wrote down what we could see, hear, smell and taste using expanded noun phrases.



First week in year 3, by Miss Jones

Date: 14th Sep 2016 @ 8:37pm

What a busy week it has been!

The children have settled into year 3 really well and have enjoyed their first week in KS2. They have had a treasure hunt around the classroom to explore their new environment. They also enjoyed having a 'walk and talk' summer holiday catch up. On Thursday we had an 'all about me' theme to the day and learnt a lot about one another in literacy, maths and circle time. We have also been very creative and have had a go at ink blowing and self-portrait sketching. The children's art work will go on display soon so keep your eyes peeled ... 

First week in Year 2, by Mrs Harrison

Date: 6th Sep 2016 @ 4:38pm

Thank you to the PTA for our playtime equipment, by Mrs Bailey

Date: 31st Aug 2016 @ 3:46pm

Thank you to everyone who has supported the PTA in raising funds for our children. Following discussions with our School Council, the PTA have recently purchased some equipment for children to use at break and lunchtimes. As you can see there is a wide range of equipment. Fingers crossed for some sunny days!

Ciao from Mrs Harrison! 🇮🇹, by Miss Shaw

Date: 5th Aug 2016 @ 10:10am

Ciao from beautiful Italy everybody where Michael and I are enjoying celebrating our wedding!! As you can see Miss Lynch made a beautiful bridesmaid!!

Enjoy your summer holidays and looking forward to seeing you all soon! 

Mrs H xx 

Cheshire FA Fun Day!, by Mr Huddart

Date: 15th Jul 2016 @ 9:41am

The girls had a great day at the Cheshire FA football fun day! They won 3 matches and drew one along the way! Thank you to the parents who helped with transport and came along to support! 

Y1 SRE WEEK, by Miss Lynch

Date: 14th Jul 2016 @ 11:46am

The children enjoyed taking part in a range of circle time activities this week. The biggest thing the children learned was how to identify the gender of a new born baby girl and a new born baby boy. Over half of the class used the baby's face and hair style to decide on the gender. After lots of discussion the children learned that we look at the baby's private parts to decide. This led nicely on to what the children call their own private parts. After that, the children learned the scientifc names for these private parts. As you can imagine, there were lots of laughs and giggles throughout this particular lesson!

Areas covered:


People who help us

How to keep clean

Naming private parts



Year 3 Oldfield's Got Talent Auditions, by Miss Jones

Date: 14th Jul 2016 @ 10:55am

Well done to the children who took part in this week's auditions. We saw some excellent performances and amazing artwork.  We all had a very hard decision to make but..... Congratulations to Oliver and Franek (performance) and Phoebe and Matthew (artwork) you are our Oldfield's Got Talent finalists! Good luck for Wednesday's final.  Check out our gallery to see our auditionees ... 

Year 2 Llandudno Visit, by Miss Shaw

Date: 13th Jul 2016 @ 6:29pm

Year 2 had an amazing time in Llandudno today! We had the best time and it was a lovely way to finish the year with you all! Thanks again to Mrs Vernon, Mrs Pierce, Mrs Wheatley, Mrs Petley, Mrs Brander and Miss Williams for joining us. It wouldn't have been possible without you!

Music for life concert, by Mrs Woodward

Date: 12th Jul 2016 @ 4:05pm

Well done to all of year 4 at the rehearsal and last night's concert at Northgate Arena. We were really proud of you all! 

Tennis Pro Nathan Rooney, by Mr Huddart

Date: 12th Jul 2016 @ 12:13pm

Oldfield Primary School were lucky enough to have Nathan Rooney, a professional tennis player come in to school. He shared information about his career in an assembly and delivered two masterclasses to year 5 and 6. All of the children had a great time and loved the coaching session! Thank you to Jon Smedley of Maths of the Day for bringing him in and for delivering two great maths workshops for our kids. 

Y6 Dragon's Den Project , by Mr Huddart

Date: 12th Jul 2016 @ 12:00pm

The year 6 children all worked so hard on their Dragon's Den project. You all presented your product so well! I am so proud of you all! Mr H :) 

Year 3 maths , by Miss Jones

Date: 9th Jul 2016 @ 7:12pm

On Thursday the children were busy designing and making their own board games to help them practise their mental addition and subtraction. Afterwards, they played their games with partners and gave each other feedback on their designs.  Check out the gallery to see some examples 

Y1 Oldfield's Got Talent Auditions, by Miss Lynch

Date: 8th Jul 2016 @ 11:26am

The children were fantastic today! We had lots of entertaining auditions including singing, dancing and even joke telling! After a close vote, Eve and Holly, were voted through to Oldfield's Got Talent Final which will take place on Wednesday 20th July.

I know many children are busy creating art/craft pieces. Remember these need to be in school by Monday 18 July.

After today, I am very much looking forward to the final- good luck everybody!

Year 4 Roman trip, by Mrs Woodward

Date: 1st Jul 2016 @ 3:26pm

We dodged the weather for our walk into Chester to visit the Dewa experience. After lunch we became a Roman legion to visit the Roman Gardens and the Amphitheater. Doughnuts assisted with our walk back. We all enjoyed the day. 

Y1 Jack's last day!, by Miss Lynch

Date: 1st Jul 2016 @ 1:59pm

We said goodbye to Jack today, The children and staff are really going to miss him. We wish him luck in his new school and hope he will be very happy.

We had a party for Jack including nibbles, pop music and party games!

Y2 At The Beach!, by Miss Shaw

Date: 30th Jun 2016 @ 4:13pm

A fantastic day for Year 2 today with Cheshire Wildflife trust at Red Rock Marsh Nature Reserve. We did scavenger hunting, mud dipping, sweep netting, firelighting and even toasted marshmallows! Thank you to Mrs Petley, Mrs Vernon, Mrs Wood and Mrs McEwan for helping out and making the trip possible :)

What fabulous homework!, by Miss Jones

Date: 29th Jun 2016 @ 1:27pm

I am so proud of the children this week. Their homework was to create an information poster or booklet to show all of the new facts they learnt during the explorer trail at Chester Zoo. They have used their super ICT skills and amazing art skills. Check out the gallery to see their fabulous work... 

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